Runners Club - YELLOW ROUTE Results!
10/28/2020 2:27 pm
Thank you runners!
Thanks to everyone who participated in our third running route of the year!
Congrats to all of our runners: Alan (4th grade), Alyssa (3rd), Andrew (3rd), Andy (3rd), Caleb (2nd), Charles (4th), Chelsea (2nd), Christian (2nd), Elizabeth (1st), Emily (4th), Erik (4th), Eunice (K), Evan (3rd), Jane (K), Lili (K), Max (2nd), Michael (2nd), Michelle (4th), Myra (K), Naomi (4th), Natalie (2nd), Nathaniel (3rd), Sahar (4th), Sameer (3rd), Sanjay (3rd), Selina, Sophia (3rd), Stella (4th), Tessa (2nd), Tyler (5th), and Yiheng (3rd).
Special Surprise!
We often invite city leaders to participate in our October Walk to School Day event. This year, we've asked Medina Mayor Jessica Rossman and Medina Deputy Mayor Cindy Adkins to "join us" in answering our silly questions ... and there's more to come for our official Walk to School / Green Route that's already released!
Our runners found six course markers with silly questions. Here are their answers:
1. Would you rather be allowed to eat an unlimited amount of chips or candy?
Winner: Chips (58%)
I like oil and potatoes and crunchiness.
- Andy (3rd Grade)
- Jessica Rossman, Medina Mayor in dissent
Today, my choice would be a big box of salted caramels from Frans Chocolates!
- Cindy Adkins, Medina Deputy Mayor in dissent
2. Would you rather be a doctor or astronaut?
Winner: Astronaut (53%)
I would rather be an astronaut, so I could fly to outer space and explore Jupiter and Mars.
- Max (2nd Grade)
Both! I want to learn about everything.
- Jessica Rossman, Medina Mayor
I would rather be a doctor, because I like helping people, and also because I could work with my sister, Tracy, who is a nurse practitioner.
- Cindy Adkins, Medina Deputy Mayor in dissent
3. Would you rather turn into a cat or a dog?
Winner: Dog (53%)
I would rather turn into a dog, because dogs chase cats.
- Nathaniel (3rd Grade)
I would rather turn into a cat, because they get the best naps :-)
- Jessica Rossman, Medina Mayor in dissent
Ooh, this is hard. I like both and have both. I like to be independent, and I love naps, so I’d like to be a cat. But, I sure wouldn’t mind being a fluffy dog who loves everyone and only knows kindness and gets to go to the park every day.
- Cindy Adkins, Medina Deputy Mayor
4. Would you rather live in a treehouse or cave?
Winner: Treehouse (91%)
I would rather live in a treehouse, because a cave is too dark.
- Caleb (2nd Grade), Selina, and Sophia (3rd Grade)
I would rather live in a cave, because I want to live with bats.
- Natalie (2nd Grade) in dissent
I have always wanted a treehouse! Maybe someday!
- Jessica Rossman, Medina Mayor
Definitely a treehouse, somewhere in the Pacific Northwest, near lakes and mountains. Being around trees makes me feel calm and relaxed. I’d take a bunch of books with me and read in my treehouse.
- Cindy Adkins, Medina Deputy Mayor
5. Would you rather pet a snake or giant spider?
Winner: Snake (79%)
I would rather pet a snake because spiders have webs, and it would be easy for your hand to get stuck when you pet it.
- Yiheng (3rd Grade)
Ummm. Really? A nice harmless garter snake would be fine, thank you. (Fun fact from my son Torben: I should definitely not pat the goliath bird-eating spider, even though it looks nice and fuzzy, because its tiny hairs will get everywhere ane make my skin itch or hurt. I'm crossing that one off the list for sure.)
- Jessica Rossman, Medina Mayor
My first question is whether they want to be petted. If they say “yes” to being petted, then I wish I could say I don’t want to pet either one of them! But if I had to choose, probably the spider. In my mind, I would picture the spider as Charlotte from Charlotte’s Web, and that would help me get through this!
- Cindy Adkins, Medina Deputy Mayor in dissent
6. Would you rather have a unicorn horn or horse's tail?
Winner: Unicorn horn (69%)
A unicorn horn has magic and horse's tail has fleas.
- Naomi (4th Grade)
Well, unicorn horns are magical and they can heal the sick or injured. That's tough to beat. A horse tail might be kind of like a blanket to keep me warm, but seems to me it's mostly useful for swatting flies... so I'd rather go big and try the magic. I hope everyone will be kind to me even though I'll look very different from other people.
- Jessica Rossman, Medina Mayor
This is a tough one, too. If the Unicorn horn also comes with unicorn wings that would be awesome. I’d have magical powers and I’d be able to fly, too!
- Cindy Adkins, Medina Deputy Mayor
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