Runners Club - Green Glitter Route Released!
5/2/2021 8:51 pm
Runners Club has released the Green Glitter Route in Clyde Hill, north of Clyde Hill Elementary!
Find all six Runners Club signs and answer their silly questions here. This route is available until Tuesday, May 25.
Dates: May 2 to May 25
Distance: 2.5 Miles
Park at Clyde Hill Elementary if during non-school hours
Parking is also available along Points Dr. NE
If starting from Clyde Hill Elementary:
Head north on 96th Ave NE
Turn left onto 94th Ave NE
Continue walking as the street curves, becoming NE 27th St and 93rd Ave NE
Find (#1) as you turn left towards 92nd Ave NE
Turn right and head north on 92nd Ave NE
Find (#2)
Turn right onto NE 32nd St (stay on the right side) and find (#3)
Continue straight, on the left side of (#3)
Continue on the gravel walkway, which is on the right when the path splits into a drivable path (left) and a narrow pedestrian-only path (right). There should be taller/thicker shrubs on your right and less dense landscaping on your left.
Follow along as the dense shrubs on your right become a wooden fence
Walk along NE 32nd St
Turn right and head south on 98th Ave NE
Turn left onto NE 31st St
Turn right onto 100th Ave NE
Turn left onto NE 29th Pl and find (#4)
Return to 100th Ave NE and find (#5)
Continue along the gravel walking path to stay on 100th Ave NE
Turn right onto NE 26th St and find (#6)
Turn left onto 96th Ave NE to return to the start
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8