Runners Club - Blue Glitter Route Results!
4/27/2021 8:26 am
Thank you!
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Blue Glitter Route.
Congrats to all of our runners: Alan (4th grade), Alyssa (3rd), Caleb (2nd), Chelsea (2nd), Digant (1st), Emily (4th), Erik (4th), Ethan (4th), Jane (K), Lili (K), Linus (4th), Naomi (4th), Natalie (2nd), Nathaniel (3rd), Sahar (4th), Tessa (2nd), and Yiheng (3rd).
Our runners found six course markers with silly questions. Here are their answers:
1. Would you rather fly in a helicopter or hot air balloon?
Winner: Helicopter (53%)
Helicopter. If I flew in a hot air balloon, I would probably look down and be scared.
- Yiheng (3rd Grade)
2. Would you rather go on a family camping trip or a sleep away camp?
Winner: Family camping trip (71%)
Family camping trip. I can spend more time with my family
- Nathaniel (3rd Grade)
3. Do you prefer ketchup or mustard?
Winner: Ketchup (82%)
Mustard in burger but normally Ketchup
- Digant (Kindergarten)
4. Would you rather have a snowball fight or a water balloon fight?
Winner: Water balloon fight (59%)
Water balloon fight, because it's summer and summer has water ballon fight.
- Caleb (2nd Grade)
Snow ball fight, because it's less messy.
- Ethan (4th Grade) in dissent
5. Would you rather race a horse or race car?
Winner: Horse (83%)
I would choose the horse, but if the picture of the running tiger was an option, I would totally choose that.
- Erik (4th Grade)
Horse, but they're both too fast!
- Chelsea (2nd Grade)
5. Would you rather eat your favorite home-cooked meal or restaurant meal?
Winner: Restaurant meal
Soup from Dolar Shop and I Love Sushi
- Tessa (2nd Grade)
Mac n cheese, grilled cheese, tomato soup, and apple juice from Nordstrom Cafe
- Jane (Kindergarten)
Sushi from I Love Sushi
- Naomi (2nd Grade)
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