Runners Club - Orange Glitter Route Results!
4/27/2021 8:26 am
Thank you!
Thanks to everyone who participated in our Orange Glitter Route.
Congrats to all of our runners: Alan (4th grade), Alyssa (3rd), Caleb (2nd), Chelsea (2nd), Christian (2nd), Elizabeth (1st), Emily (4th), Erik (4th), Ethan (4th), Evan (3rd) Jane (K), Jennika (2nd), Lili (K), Linus (4th), Max (2nd), Naomi (4th), Natalie (2nd), Nathaniel (3rd), Sahar (4th), Tessa (2nd), Tyler (5th), Yiheng (3rd), and Yoann (2nd).
Our runners found five course markers with silly questions. Here are their answers:
1. Would you rather have the ability to fly or breathe underwater?
Winner: Fly (83%)
Breathe Underwater. I can then search for hidden treasures underwater for a few hours without coming back to the surface.
- Nathaniel (3rd Grade) in dissent
2. Would you rather have to sing or dance in front of the entire school?
Winner: Sing (70%)
I would rather have to sing in front of the entire school because I am better at singing than dancing (although I would prefer to do neither).
- Yiheng (3rd Grade)
3. Would you rather eat something super spicy or super sour?
Winner: Super sour (67%)
Super sour, because I like sour. It’s one of my favorite types of taste.
- Ethan (4th Grade)
Super spicy, because i've tried spicy stuff and it taste good.
- Caleb (2nd Grade)
4. Would you rather roast marshmallows or hot dogs over a campfire?
Winner: Marshmallows (70%)
Marshmallows. I enjoy smores.
- Jennika (2nd Grade)
5. Would you rather meet a mermaid or leprechaun?
Winner: Leprechaun (74%)
Leprechaun. I want the pot of gold.
- Max (2nd Grade)
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