Runners Club - Yellow Glitter Route Results!
4/8/2021 10:45 pm
Thanks to everyone who participated in our second route of spring!
Congrats to all of our runners: Alan (4th grade), Alison (3rd), Alyssa (3rd), Caleb (2nd), Chelsea (2nd), Digant (K), Emily (4th), Jane (K), Lili (K), Max (2nd), Naomi (4th), Nathaniel (3rd), Sahar (4th), Selina, Sophia (3rd), Tessa (2nd), and Yiheng (3rd).
Results - Course Markers
Our runners found three course markers with silly questions. Here are their answers:
1. Would you rather have a pet porcupine or skunk?
Winner: Porcupine (75%)
Porcupine. They are cute.
- Alyssa (3rd Grade)
Porcupine. Skunks are smelly/stinky.
- Lili (Kindie), Caleb (2nd Grade)
Porcupine. Just put it in a cage and you're fine.
- Naomi (4th Grade)
2. If you were to act in a movie, would you rather play the hero or the villain?
Winner: Hero (69%)
Hero. They fight for a good cause.
- Digant (Kindie)
Hero. Nobody wants to be a bad guy.
- Max (2nd Grade)
Villian. I like to be a bad girl!
- Jane (Kindie) in dissent
3. Would you rather shovel snow or rake leaves?
Winner: Shovel snow (69%)
I would rather shovel snow because you can play in the snow while shoveling it.
- Yiheng (3rd Grade)
Rake leaves, because leaves are lighter than snow.
- Sophia (3rd Grade) in dissent
Results - Scavenger Hunt
The Yellow Glitter Route included a scavenger hunt that revealed questions for our runners. The questions were:
What is your favorite holiday?
Winner: Christmas (64%)
Runner-Up: Lunar New Year (15%)
What is your favorite fruit?
Receiving more than one vote: mango, orange, pear, watermelon
What is your favorite season?
TIE: Summer and Winter (both 41%)
Winter, because I can then do snow-related activities such as skiing or sledding down a hill.
- Nathaniel (3rd)
Summer, because it’s my birthday and there’s no school.
- Chelsea (2nd)
Summer, because I can play in the backyard as long as I want.
- Selina
What is your favorite midday snack?
Lots of different answers for this one!! Including: Chex Mix, chips, cookies, fruits, Hawthorn cake, ice cream, Jaga Pokkuru (Japanese French Fry snack), lollipops, Oreos, Pocky, Pringles, sandwiches, Twix, yogurt, Z Bars.
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8