Runners Club - Red Glitter Route Results!
3/24/2021 12:00 pm
Thanks to everyone who participated in our first route of spring!
Congrats to all of our runners: Alan (4th grade), Alison (3rd), Alyssa (3rd), Caleb (2nd), Chelsea (2nd), Emily (4th), Erik (4th), Ethan (4th), Isha (4th), Jane (K), Kirana (4th), Lili (K), Max (2nd), Naomi (4th), Natalie (2nd), Nathaniel (3rd), Rishi (4th), Sahar (4th), Selina, Sophia (3rd), Tessa (2nd) and Yiheng (3rd).
Our runners found eight course markers with silly questions. Here are their answers:
1. Would you rather be bald or have floor-length hair?
Winner: Floor-length hair (73%)
Bald, because I can't skate with floor-length hair, and I can just wear a wig.
- Emily (4th Grade) in dissent
2. If you had to wear the same color every day, what color would you choose?
Red, because red is a vibrant color so people would notice me.
- Sophia (3rd Grade)
ORANGE!!!!!!!!!! It's my favorite color.
- Erik (4th Grade)
White, because I can paint it any color I want.
- Jane (Kindie)
3. Would you rather watch a movie at home or at the movie theater?
Winner: At Home (82%)
At home, because I can have all the cozy blankets I want.
- Kirana (4th Grade)
I would rather watch a movie at home for three reasons: I can have any snacks I want, I can pause the movie whenever I need to go to the bathroom, and nobody tall will block my view.
- Tessa (2nd Grade)
4. Would you rather build a snow fort or a snowman?
Unanimous Winner: Snow fort
Snow fort, because then I can put all of my snowballs in there.
- Caleb (2nd Grade)
5. For dessert, would you rather eat cake or pie?
Winner: Cake (55%)
I love cakes, ESP. Our homemade cupcakes:)
- Ethan (4th Grade)
7. Which do you like better? Mid-winter break or spring break?
Winner: TIE
Mid-winter break, because I love winter!
- Alison (3rd Grade)
Spring break, because I can go out and see cherry blossoms!
- Nathaniel (3rd Grade)
Spring break, because I can go on vacation. We're always skiing during mid-winter break.
- Naomi (4th Grade)
7. Would you rather have a teleporter or time machine?
Winner: Teleporter (77%)
Teleporter, so I can teleport myself to Hawaii and have fun.
- Alyssa (3rd Grade)
Teleporter. If my teleporter malfunctions, I'll only be teleported to a random place. But if the time machine won't work, I'll be lost in time. That is a lot scarier.
- Max (2nd Grade)
Teleporter, so when I need to deliver things, I can stay at home and let the teleporter deliver it.
- Selina
8. Would you rather have super vision or super hearing?
Winner: Super vision (77%)
Super hearing, because I can hear other people's secrets.
- Chelsea (2nd Grade) in dissent
I would rather have super hearing because even with super vision, you still can't see through walls, but you can HEAR through walls.
- Yiheng (3rd Grade) in dissent
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8