Runners Club - Purple Route Results!
12/17/2020 10:00 am
Thank you Runners!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the final route of our Fall 2020 Runners Club season!
Congrats to all of our runners: Alan (4th grade), Alison (3rd), Alyssa (3rd), Andy (3rd), Angelina (4th), Bailey (1st), Caleb (2nd), Charles (4th), Chelsea (2nd), Christian (2nd), Elizabeth S. (1st), Elizabeth Y. (1st), Emily (4th), Erik (4th), Ethan (4th), Evan (3rd), Jane (K), Lili (K), Linus (4th), Max (2nd), Mira (2nd), Myra (K), Naomi (4th), Natalie (2nd), Nathaniel (3rd), Ryan (4th), Sahar (4th), Sameer (3rd), Sanjay (3rd), Selina, Sophia (3rd), Tessa (2nd), Tyler (5th), Vincent (4th), Yiheng (3rd), and Yoann (2nd).
Our runners found eight course markers with seven silly questions. Here are their answers:
1. Would you rather build a blanket fort or a cardboard box fort?
Winner: Cardboard box fort (67%)
I would rather build a cardboard box fort, because it is stronger and can get big.
- Alyssa (3rd Grade)
I would rather build a blanket fort, because it is soft and comfy.
- Tyler (5th Grade) in dissent
2. Would you rather be two years younger or five years older?
Winner: Five years older (61%)
I would rather be five years older, because I want to be older than 7!
- Chelsea (2nd Grade)
I would rather be two years younger, because then I could live longer.
- Ethan (4th Grade) in dissent
3. Would you rather have pizza for breakfast or pancakes for dinner?
Winner: Pizza for breakfast (67%)
I would rather have pizza for breakfast, because pizza is normal for breakfast but pancakes are not normal for dinner.
- Andy (3rd Grade)
I would rather eat pancakes for dinner, because I would like to eat pancake anytime in a day!
- Alison (3rd Grade) in dissent
4. Would you rather sleep in an RV or in a tent?
Winner: RV (76%)
I would rather sleep in a RV, because RVs are much more similar to normal houses than tents.
- Yiheng (3rd Grade)
I would rather sleep in an RV, because it is more comfortable.
- Sanjay (3rd Grade)
5. For your birthday, would you rather have a super fun party or an amazing gift?
Winner: TIE!
I would rather have an amazing gift, because a gift can last forever, but a party can only last for half an hour.
- Selina
6&7. In your backyard, would you rather have a pool or a big trampoline?
Winner: Pool (56%)
I would rather have a pool, beause i already have a super-duper big trampalione!
- Caleb (2nd Grade)
I would rather have a trampoline, because a pool is going to be cold in the winter.
- Sophia (3rd Grade)
8. Would you rather run in pouring rain or freezing cold?
Winner: Pouring rain (53%)
I would rather run in the pouring rain, because it would be like a super shower.
- Max (2nd Grade)
I would rather run in the pouring rain, because I can wear a rain coat to protect myself.
- Nathaniel (3rd Grade)
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8