Welcome back!

Medina PTA is a non-profit volunteer organization supporting all students at Medina Elementary. 

Our Mission: Together, we build a feeling of community, and provide programs and activities that help enhance our children's education. 

 Learn more about us.


New to our website? Click here


Join our membership here.




FACE is excited to announce Medina's second in-school community service event on February 28 from 2:30-4:00pm. In this event, students will create mini snack packs and write encouragement notes for others who are experiencing food insecurity in our community. Please sign up here by February 17 to save your child's spot. We look forward to seeing you there!



General Membership Meeting

All Medina Elementary parents are invited to join us at General Membership meeting on Tuesday, March 4th at 8:15am in the school cafeteria. Hear from our principals and learn all about our running programs. Light refreshments will be served.

The agenda and other relevant meeting documents will be posted before the meeting later.






Tickets are on sale now for our Bloom into Spring event on Mar 21st! Space is limited, so don't wait to secure your spot!

Join us for a fun-filled evening featuring local Seattle comedian, Ellen Acuario, who will emcee and entertain us to our hearts' content. It's going to be a night full of laughter, community, and support for our school.

Get your tickets today and be part of this wonderful event!


Click Here To Purchase Tickets 


Reading Club

Hello Medina Readers, our next in-person meetup is on March 14th, This month we are celebrating friendship and fairytales. Bring your favorite book to share and read aloud. More event details will be shared via email. Happy reading!







New to our website?

Welcome! We created this site to help our Medina Elementary families stay connected and engaged in our community. Let's get started ...


STEP 1:  Create a user login:


STEPS 2-4: You will be directed to complete these steps when you register or log in. 





We welcome your feedback!

 If you have any comments or suggestions, or notice any issues with our new website, please let us know:

Contact Us




More News >>> 

Upcoming Events


We Support:

Medina Elementary School

8001 NE 8th St.
Medina, WA 98039
(425) 456-5400

Email Attendance
Bell Schedule
Lunch Menu
Bus Schedule

Members of:

PTA Awards