Chess Club
2024-2025 Chairs: Anutham Adusumilli and Thu-An Lai
Medina Elementary has one of the largest, most award-winning Chess clubs in the Northwest!
For the 2024-2025 school year, Chess Club will keep having in-person classes on Wednesdays. Registration only opens in September for the club sessions from October 2024 to May 2025.
This year's registration will start on Wednesday, September 18th at 8:30am and sessions start on October 2nd. Please stay tuned to our announcement on PTA Byte Newsletters.
We are calling for full time volunteers! If you are interested in being a parent volunteer, please contact fill out this volunteer link here
This year the 2025 National Elementary (K-6) Championship will be held in Orlando Florida, Orange County Convention Center (9800 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819). May 9-11 2025
Chess Info Night
Chess Information Night is on Monday, September 9th, 5:00-6:00pm at Medina Elementary Cafeteria.
Coach Dr. Leo will be talking about the role of chess in education and our great Medina Chess club. Come learn about our club and what we’re all about. Light snacks and refreshments will be included.
Please note kids are welcome to attend!
Registration opens: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 8:30am.
9/19/2024 UPDATE: Chess Club is full, and the waitlist is closed. Thank you for your interest in Chess Club!
This Registration is for the school year 2024-2025.
We have different levels for K-5 kids: Beginner, Beginner to Intermediate, Intermediate, Intermediate to Advanced, Advanced (Grade 4-5 only).
How to Register: Medina Chess Club is for PTA members Only. Please purchase/renew your PTA annual membership before registration day. Otherwise you cannot find the registration form. Find the Chess Club registration form in My Family's Forms/Paperwork once registration opens. Complete the form and payment. You can choose to send a check. If the spots you want are all sold out, please join the waitlist.
If you need financial assistance to pay the club fee, please choose the "pay by check" option when checking out, so your registration will not be delayed. Then, contact our counselor Ms. Geck ( to initiate the process.
IMPORTANT: To register, you must agree to all Chess Club policies on the registration form. Read the policies.
Cost: $450 for regular class, $550 for 4th/5th grades advanced 1.5 hours class (Fee covers coach's fees. )
Tuition Fee covers expert coaching, chess family night, free entry to All City & Queens Quest Tournaments, supplies, End-of-Year Celebration and NW Chess Membership.
**Snowsports Bus rates are not prorated for students who opt out for the ski bus during the spring.
Club meetings
Chess Club meets Wednesdays 12:30-1:30pm (12:30-2:00pm for the grade 4-5th advanced class).
Chess Club meeting dates:
Month | Days |
Oct | 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 |
Nov |
6, 13, 20 |
Dec |
11, 18 |
Jan |
15, 22, 29 |
Feb |
5, 12, 26 |
Mar | 5, 12, 19, 26 |
Apr |
2, 16, 23, 30 |
May | 7, 14, 21 |
useful links
Check student rating:
View state qualified players:
Tournament registration websites:
NW Chess:
US Chess membership:
Washington Chess Federation:
2024 Medina All City Tournament

2023 Washington State Chess Tournament
The 2023 Washington State Chess Championship Tournament was held on April 29th in Tacoma. We have more than 50 kids participating. Team Medina earned 3rd place (K-6 Section) in a very close competition. Congratulations!
2023 Medina All City Tournament
2023 Medina All City was held on March 26th. It was a big success with 250 participants from 66 schools. Medina got 1st place in Team award.

2023 All Girls Queen’s Quest Chess Tournament
2023 All Girls Queen’s Quest Chess Tournament was held on 1/28/23 at Medina Elementary. 118 chess players attended this event including 26 girls from our school.
Susan Polgar Foundation National Open
The 17th SPFNO chess tournament was held in Bellevue on October 22-23, 2022. More than 30 Medina students participated in this great event! Medina Team won 1st place in K-3 group and 4th place in 4-12 group. Congratulations!
National Elementary Championship
The National Elementary (K-6) Championship Chess Tournament was held in Columbus, Ohio on May 13-15, 2022.
The Medina Elementary chess team, represented by Ted W, Michael X, Ares W, and Michael Z, scored 17.5 points in the 7-round tournament and won third place in the K-3 championship section! Congratulations!
Washington State Chess Tournament
The Washington State Championship Chess Tournament was held in Tacoma on April 30, 2022.
The Medina Elementary team placed 2nd in the grade 1-3 section and 1st the grade 4-6 section! Congratulations!
Medina Elementary was represented by: David P, Liana B, Vijay U, Adrina B, Aida E, Aiden W, Ananya T, Daniel D, Ethan W, Harry P, Kavir A, Owen Y, Pari G, Sakash A, Ted W, Alexander T, Christian L, Derek W, Jamie H, Michael X, Michael Z, William H, Aaron Z, Alison D, Bogdan G, Derek W, Derrick S, Sanjay U, Vivaan M, Yiheng Y, Daniel P, Emily H, Haoyun Z, Michelle Z.
Presidential Scholastic Chess Tournament
The Presidential Scholastic Chess Tournament was held on February 21, 2022 at the Redmond Marriott. 8 students from Medina Elementary played in this tournament and helped our school win the 1st place team trophy. They are Ares W, Sanjay U, Ethan Z, Emily H, Victor F, Vijay U, Ananya T, and Brian H. Congratulations!
Susan Polgar Foundation National Open

Updated: September 11, 2024
FEES: For a student to participate in any after-school club, there cannot be an outstanding balance on the family's PTA's account. Tuition and all outstanding fees must be paid in full by October 2nd, 2024 (or by the next class date if registering after October 2nd). If you do not pay all fees by this deadline, your child will be withdrawn from Chess Club and a 5% tuition processing fee will be added to your account.
To remain enrolled in Chess Club, families must timely pay any Medina PTA fees (not just club fees) incurred during the course of the school year. You understand that failure to pay fees on time may result in your student being withdrawn from the club with no refund.
ELIGIBILITY: Our afterschool clubs (including Chess Club) are ONLY for CURRENT-ENROLLED Medina students with ACTIVE Medina PTA membership. You must enrolled with Medina Elementary school at the time attending the club and have a valid Medina PTA family or individual membership for the 2024-2025 school year. You agree that if your kid is not currently enrolled with Medina Elementary school OR do not purchase PTA membership by the first class, your child will be withdrawn from Medina Chess Club with no refund.
REFUNDS: You agree to the following refund policy: If parents decide to withdraw from a class after registering for the class and before the first class starts, a 5% tuition process fee will be charged. If parents decide to withdraw from the class after the first class starts but before second class, a 10% tuition process fee will be charged. After second class, there'll be no refunds.
PROCESSING FEE: Any student registration for an afterschool club that you cancel will incur a 5% processing fee. This includes cancelling a duplicate registration (e.g., when the parents sign up the same child twice for the same club) or cancelling one registration to sign up for a different Medina PTA club on the same day. The 5% fee applies for all transaction types (credit card, cash, or check).
PICK-UP: Our parent classroom volunteers are required to stay until the last child is picked up from class. Please respect our volunteers’ time by picking your child up promptly at 1:25pm (pick up for Advanced class is 1:50pm) unless your child is staying at Medina Elementary with the Boys & Girls Club. If you wish to permit your child to sign him/herself out from class and walk/bike home, you must complete the Medina PTA Permission Slip for Self-Checkout of Afterschool Clubs 2024-2025 found on our website, and return it to our Chess Club Co-Chairs. Repeated late pickups may result in withdrawal from the chess club with no refund, and you may forfeit the ability to register for future afterschool programs.
Intentional violent behavior directed at another individual during the club (including another student, teacher, coach/instructor, parent, or volunteer) and resulting in physical harm is grounds for immediate removal from that club without refund. Medina PTA retains the discretion to remove this student from all other enrolled afterschool clubs/programs and prevent this student from registering for future afterschool programs in the same school year.
Parents and students are expected to behave respectfully to each other and the coaches/instructors
- If the club chair determines that a student’s behavior is disruptive during the program/club, or the student is consistently disrespectful, a warning will be issued to the student and parent. After the warning, a second offense will result in removal of the student from the club with no refund, unless the club chair decides to issue a second warning. The chair my also require the parent to provide full-time adult supervision of the student for the duration of the club. The adult supervisor must be a PTA member and have a BSD background check. A third offense will result in removal of the student from the club program with no refund.
- If the club chair determines that a parent’s behavior is disruptive or consistently disrespectful, a warning will be issued to the parent. After the warning, a second offense will result in removal of that parent’s child from afterschool clubs with no refund.
- At the discretion of Medina PTA, any withdrawal due to disruptive or disrespectful behavior may also affect the family’s ability to register for future afterschool programs.
ABSENCES: If your child will not be at chess club, you must email prior to that day’s chess class start time. You understand that two unexcused absences may result in removal of my student from the club without refund.
2022-2023 Recap
What a fun and exciting year we had. Started the year off with about 30 Medina students participating in the Susan Polgar Foundation National open. Medina team won 1st place in K-3 group & 4th place 4-12 group. We successfully held two state-wide Tournaments: Medina All-City and Queen’s Quest, with a huge turnout. Our students represented and brought home a win (Medina placed 1st in team rewards for All City). Mid year a handful of our students played in the Presidential Scholastic Chess tournament and brought home a 1st place team trophy. Last tournament for the year team Medina earned 3rd place (K-6 Section) at the 2023 Washington State Chess Championship Tournament in April. Go Tigers!
2021-2022 RECAP
2020-2021 RECAP
2019-2020 RECAP
Congratulations to all the students that participated in the first ever online Washington State Chess Championship Tournament in May. Medina Elementary took FIRST PLACE in the 1st-3rd grade and 4th-6th grade team awards. We want to thank you and your children for another great year of the Medina Chess Club!