Runners Club - Blue Route Results!
12/5/2020 11:40 pm
Thanks to everyone who participated in our fifth running route of the year!
Congrats to all of our runners: Alan (4th grade), Alison (3rd), Alyssa (3rd), Andrew (3rd), Andy (3rd), Caleb (2nd), Charles (4th), Chelsea (2nd), Christian (2nd), Elizabeth (1st), Emily (4th), Erik (4th), Ethan (4th), Evan (3rd), Jane (K), Lili (K), Linus (4th), Max (2nd), Myra (K), Naomi (4th), Natalie (2nd), Nathaniel (3rd), Sahar (4th), Sameer (3rd), Sanjay (3rd), Selina, Sophia (3rd), Tessa (2nd), Tyler (5th), and Yoann (2nd).
Our runners found nine course markers with seven silly questions. Here are their answers:
1&2. Would you rather have bad breath or smelly feet?
Winner: Smelly feet (79%)
I would rather have smelly feet, because I already have smelly feet. :-)
- Andy (3rd Grade)
I would rather have bad breath, Eww, because I don't want smelly feet!
- Christian (2nd Grade) in dissent
3. Would you rather play in the snow or on the beach?
Winner: In the snow (53%)
I would rather play in the snow, because i we can have more fun like build a snowman, throw snowball fights, ski, and most of all: have fun!
- Caleb (2nd Grade)
Both! I can surf on the beach and ski in the snow. I love both.
- Tyler (5th Grade)
4&5. Would you rather meet an alien or a super hero?
Winner: Super hero (57%)
I would rather meet a super hero, because they are cool and aliens are creepy.
- Sophia (3rd Grade)
I would rather meet an alien, because I can be famous to be the first person to actually see an alien.
- Alison (3rd Grade) in dissent
6. Would you rather own a jet airplane or a cruise ship?
Winner: Airplane (59%)
I could fly In it, and I think it will more fun than being in a cruise ship.
- Ethan (4th Grade)
I could move around quickly with a jet airplane.
- Max (2nd Grade)
7. Would you rather watch fireworks or a parade?
Winner: Fireworks (59%)
I would rather watch fireworks, because I like to look at the sky at night.
- Selina
8. Would you rather explore outer space or the ocean floor?
Winner: Outer Space (67%)
I can name a planet after me if I discover one.
- Nathaniel (3rd Grade)
To see the moon.
- Alyssa (3rd Grade)
9. Would you rather be a vampire or werewolf?
Winner: Werewolf (70%)
Werewolfs hunt at night and I do not like going to sleep.
- Sanjay (3rd Grade)
I would rather be a werewolf, so I can fly when I turn into a bat.
- Chelsea (2nd Grade)
I would rather be a werewolf, because vampire can only chill at night, not during the day.
- Linus (4th Grade)
Upcoming Events
- Friday, March 21
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8